Sealy Posturepedic Mattresses – Did You Know.
The renowned, big brand mattressname – Sealy Posturepedic – has been one of South Africa’s leading, popular and sought-after, fundamental sleep solutions for many generations. (When we say “fundamental”, we refer to the fact that a mattressis the fundamental feature of a bed. Without it,the bed is uncomfortable and all but useless as a place of rest and restorative sleep).

Sealy is indeed a brand by which many people swear, some even declining to consider any other manufacturer’s products when it comes to mattresses. This does not in any way imply that there is a lack of similar world-class products available from stockists such as Ericssons Mattress& Pine, but we are taking a good look at Sealy’spopular products on this occasion.
So, what is it that makes Sealy’s Posturepedic such a successful combination of brand and product amongst this country’s sound sleepers, who relax and rest in comfort, if not luxury, every night, and night after night, for many years? Well, a few things make these world-class in the world of mattresses.
- Notably, Sealy lays claim to being the most trusted mattressbrand in the world – and that’s a very worthwhile reputation amongst the massive numbers of sleep-solution brands that are available.
- Every component that goes into and onto these products are of the highest quality, ensuring that your Posturepedic will perform perfectly and provide you with comfortable, healthy, quality sleep well into the future.
- Orthopaedically correct design – meaning that the product’s design is such that it helps to ease and alleviate disorders or discomfort of the spine and joints, plus by implication, muscle aches and pains.
Did You Know
In the United States of America, specifically in Austin County, Texas, there is a town called Sealy. This is where, in 1881, a cotton gin builder, one Donald Haynes, established his mattressmanufacturing enterprise, which he named after the town. His cotton-stuffed sleeping pads were branded accordingly. Fifteen years later, Haynes sold his patent to a buyer who retained the brand name. The business then expanded, even managing to survive the worldwide 1929 – 1933 Great Depression. Sealy’sfirst and soon-to-become iconic Posturepedic mattresswas launched in 1950. At that time, it was one of the only orthopedically correct back supporting mattresses that were designed with input from and consultation with back and skeletal system experts – orthopaedic surgeons. Thus, it enjoyed superiority compared to other mattresses.
First Achievements of the Brand
- Created a highly-respected Orthopaedic Advisory Board.
- Brought new innovations to innerspring and box spring products.
- Patented totally newtechnologies, such as posture channels and pressure relief inlays with which to minimise the adverse effects of pressure points.
- In 1967, Sealy South Africa manufactured its first mattress at the company’s first factory in the country. In order to meet the demand for mattresses without creating stock shortages for their approved outlets and their customers, additional factories are now also located in KwaZulu-Natal and Cape Town.
Sealy Posturepedic mattresses, synonymous with top quality, superior comfort and support, and a good night’s rest for many years,have become a top seller amongst consumers and the hospitality industry in our country. Moreover, these world-class products are only available from select South African suppliers – dealers like Ericssons Mattress & Pine.
Pop into your nearest Ericssons to view, test and select your new mattress;make delivery arrangements and get ready to relish years of sublime R&R on your own Posturepedic.